On conventional machine tools, lathe, universal milling machine, drilling machines. This comprehensive approach allows us to efficiently handle various machining tasks such as milling and drilling, ensuring high accuracy and quality finishes.
Emsil Group is capable of manufacturing complex products based on our Customer's drawings and specifications. Over the years we have expanded our capacities and capabilities into manufacturing most if not all process steps. Today, these capabilities allow us to manufacture turnkey projects at our 3 production sites and also provide additional services through our extensive network of collaborators.
The industries in which we are active are: vacuum, energy, oil & gas, naval, aerospace and metallurgy.
Types of products we manufacture
Glass coaters and packaging machines in the vacuum industry
Baseplates and chassis for the oil & gas and energy industries
Winches and crane components for the naval industry
Pressure vessels from carbon steel and stainless steel
Make green grilling easy with our Turner Barbecue Set, which comes in a stylish bamboo case. This set includes three essential tools: a tong, fork, and spatula, all designed for eco-friendly grilling. Perfect for outdoor gatherings, the Turner Barbecue Set allows you to enjoy delicious meals while promoting sustainability. Elevate your barbecue experience with this practical and stylish set that reflects your commitment to the environment.
Interior sills are more than just a decorative element; they play a crucial role in protecting and enhancing the comfort of your home. These sills are designed to resist moisture, ensuring longevity and maintaining their appearance over time. Available in the same color as the window frames, they seamlessly integrate with the overall design of your interior, creating a harmonious and pleasing environment.
The interior sills are available in various widths, allowing for customization to suit your specific needs. They not only protect the window area but also add a touch of elegance to your home, completing the thermal insulation joinery with style. Whether you're looking to update your current sills or install new ones, these interior sills offer a practical and attractive solution.
Oțelul de scule este materialul folosit pentru producerea diverselor
scule pentru prelucrarea de plastic, aliaje neferoase și alte tipuri de
oțeluri. Trebuie să întrunească cerințe foarte mari referitor la proprietățile
Este folosit printre altele pentru matrițe de injecție mase plastice,
matrițe de turnare sub presiune, prese, matrițe de presiune și ștanțe.
Frezarea reprezinta operatia cea mai frecventa. In cadrul sectiei, frezarea este realizata pe:
Bohrwerk-uri CNC, cu diametrul pinolei pana la 200mm, pentru piese de prelucrat, de maxim 3.000 x 4.000 x10.000mm
Freze portal cu distanta intre montanti de 2200mm
Centre de prelucrare CNC –>> max 700 x 1500 x 900mm – gabarit piesa
Freze clasice universale
Operatiile de strunjire, sunt la fel de importante in procesul de realizare a produselor prelucrate mecanic. Strunjirea, in cadrul sectiei, se efectueaza pe:
Strunguri paralele CNC si clasice:
– frontal – Ømax 1000mm x 11.000mm
– longitudinal – Ømax 680mm x L 14.000mm, 15 tone
Strunguri carusel– Ømax 2200mm
Rectificarea are un rol important in obtinerea unor suprafete cu o precizie dimensionala ridicata, esentiala pentru piesele componente ale produselor realizate in MIRFO.
Plana: max 800x 4000 mm
Rotund interior: max Ø800x 1000mm
Rotund exterior: max Ø 600 x 4000mm
Galvanized steel, powder painted in different colors (inside/outside), IP66.
Stainless steel:Galvanized steel
powder painted in different colors (inside/outside):IP65
TableTOP20 series machines are semiautomatic type tray sealer which has compact design, build with stainless steel to meet the market that wants healthy, tasteful and convenient packaged in a hygienic, high-quality way. The machine have skillful craftsmanship at a great value for money, which are suitable for testing market demands, low level production, fast packaging requirements, supermarkets, small kitchens and shops. This kind of machines are the very first step through fully automation.
FIVEX performs the following types of machining:
A. Turning
- CNC: Max Ø 465mm, max L1100mm
- Conventional: max Ø800mm , max L 2500mm
B. Milling
- CNC max x / y / z: 1035 / 560 / 510mm
- conventional max x / y / x: 1000/1000/1000 mm
C. Surface grinding: max L 1000mm, max 250 l, h max 350
Pro Soft Industry est l'un des meilleurs producteurs d’outillages technologiques, avec plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans la conception et fabrication des centrales à béton fixes ou mobiles. Notre portefeuille comprend la production d’usines de pavés, de ponts-bascules et le réoutillage des centrales d’asphalte.
displaceable rotary tables are intended for increasing the technological possibilities of the horizontal boring and milling machines with moving column
Wide selection of machining centres.
CNC machine tool is an advanced computer-controlled machine that can be used for performing different machining operations
Emsil Group is capable of manufacturing complex products based on our Customer's drawings and specifications. Over the years we have expanded our capacities and capabilities into manufacturing most if not all process steps. Today, these capabilities allow us to manufacture turnkey projects at our 3 production sites and also provide additional services through our extensive network of collaborators.
The industries in which we are active are: vacuum, energy, oil & gas, naval, aerospace and metallurgy.
The bluEvolution 82 window system is a remarkable blend of classic design and cutting-edge energy efficiency, making it an ideal choice for modern passive houses. This system features a thermally-optimized frame and sash construction, combined with triple glazing and an integrated thermally-improved edge seal, achieving a heat transfer coefficient of Uf = 0.98 W/(m²K). With its classically offset appearance, the bluEvolution 82 can be seamlessly adapted to various architectural styles, ensuring both aesthetic appeal and functional excellence. Additionally, it offers sound insulation up to 47 dB and burglar protection up to RC2, making it a comprehensive solution for energy conservation and security.
The bluEvolution 82 is designed to enhance the energy balance of any building, even on North-facing façades, thanks to its optimized thermal insulation values and high light input. Available in a variety of surface finishes, including Brügmann White and customizable aluminum covers, this window system offers more than 40 standard film decors to suit individual preferences. The bluEvolution 82 is not just a window; it is a strategic component for reducing heating costs and environmental impact, while also providing a significant reduction in noise pollution and burglary risk. Its innovative gasket technology ensures optimal energy efficiency, making it a sustainable choice for the future.
Personalized brochures, catalogs or albums are one of the most common options when promoting a company. Brochures are a particularly important, versatile and useful marketing tool for any company. The role of a brochure is to promote and inform about the range of services or products offered to clients or potential clients. The books need no introduction.
Advertising brochures provide an overview of a company and the information that can be added to their pages is only up to the beneficiary's option.
A catalog with the products you offer or a catalog with product samples is a safe and professional way to make yourself noticed. The product samples applied in the catalog or in the brochure is a safe way to present the customer with the real version of the product to be bought.
Promotional materials produced by Web2Print are a valuable tool for strengthening brand identity, increasing awareness and customer loyalty, as well as motivating and engaging employees. Investing in these materials brings long-term benefits, contributing to the company's success and sustainable development.
Through customized promotional materials, companies can deliver a coherent and consistent message to their audience. Whether we are talking about business cards, flyers, leaflets, brochures or catalogs, each material is designed to highlight the values and benefits offered by the company. Attractive and professional design combined with relevant information creates a lasting and positive impression on customers.
Forta nominala cilindru presare 1000 KN
Cursa maxima cilindru presare 1050 mm
Presiunea maxima presare 204 bari
Cursa maxima cilindru brat 1050 mm
Cursa maxima cilindru impingator 1450 mm
Forta maxima extragere miez 7 tone
Presiune maxima extragere miez 35 bari
Putere instalata 5,4 kW
Capacitate rezervor ulei 320 litri
Viteza coborare cilindru presare 26 mm/s
Viteza ridicare cilindru presare 20 mm/s
Viteza presare 12 -120 mm/min
Viteza extragere miez 6 – 53 mm/s
Dimensiuni de gabarit :
– lungime 1625 mm
– latime 1400 mm
– inaltime 4610 mm
Masa neta 9000 kg
– Latimea nominala a tablei de taiat – 3000 mm
– Grosimea de taiere – σ = 45 daN/ mm2 – 13 mm
– σ = 70 daN/ mm2 – 10 mm
– Grosimea minima de taiere – 3 mm
– Numar de curse duble pe minut – 9-12 c.d/min
– Unghiul de taiere (dintre cutite) – 20 20’
– Durata ciclu de lucru cca – 6 sec
– Domeniul de reglare limitator tabla – 5-750 mm
– Distanta linie de taiere-batiu – 300 mm
– Puterea motorului de antrenare – 22 kW
– Presiunea maxima de lucru – 140 bar
– Capacitate rezervor ulei – 300 l
– Dimensiuni de gabarit: – lungime – 3800 mm
– latime – 2600 mm
– inaltime – 1825 mm
– Masa neta – aprox. 11 000 kg
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